Spiritual Tyranny.com is not . . .


a stream of consciousness blog.

I’m working on improving the content structure but the content does not springing fully formed from my head and current events often shape the coming articles and videos. By necessity there is a chronology BUT posts are not specifically designed to be read in order. If a post is linked or categorized the related articles are intended to be considered together.

I have specific ideas that I seek to address but these ideas are complex. If you are looking for meme arguments and fortune cookie wisdom, and snarky one liners I’m sure Facebook has plenty.  Here we take a deep dive which poses a few challenges . . . not least of which is marketing. There is reason search engines rank 5th grade writing better than 12th so help me and tell ten or twenty people.   

Anyway, Spiritual Tyranny gets in the weeds but it is no pointy headed academic wrangling. Ideas have real world application and real world consequence. This is why I said, in the Gospel According to John Immel 3:1-3

All people act logically from their assumptions. 2 ) It does not matter how inconsistent the ideas or insane the rationale, they will act until the logic is fulfilled.3 ) Therefore, when you see masses of people taking the same destructive actions, find the assumptions and you will find the cause.

 To illustrate the causal relationship between ideas and outcomes I often talk about current events and the people who perpetrate despotism. You might like those people or you might have no clue who they are. This will lead some to believe two things:

  1. Because you don’t know the players the analysis does not apply to your situation which means you won’t hang around long enough to grasp the big picture.
  2. That this site only exists for my wrathful pleasure against select “benevolent” men.

To the first point:

This type of myopia is the byproduct of John Dewey based education. I’ll talk more about Dewey and Pragmatism in other places but failing to think in principles is what Dewey infused into American education. This education produces very sort sighted thinkers. While you might not know the faces and names that I talk about despotism’s means and methods remain consistent.   

To the second point:

First, this site exists in an effort to monetize what I love to think and talk about. My motivations are simple: chicks and money.

Second, these “benevolent” men are not benevolent and to be very clear I AM against these men (and/or women if they prove tyrannical). They are the forefront of spreading tyranny and oppression in the name of God, Government, Democracy and Righteousness.   I don’t care what acronym they use to identify their political group, or doctrine, or buildings. If they are tyrants I AM against the content of their ideas that produce bondage, corruption, death, and destruction.  For these intellectual thugs, I AM zealous in my censure.  For these spiritual tyrants, I AM unrelenting in critique.  And for that, I am soooo not sorry.

John Immel

He's a generally ornery pot string iconoclast that loves to make people think. He's harmless (well, mostly harmless). And don't forget lovable in an affectionately blunt sort of way. Whatever your first feelings, read and listen long enough and you will come to agree with him.

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