This Will Come Into Focus Later


These definitions have been added to the definitions page. But I want them fresh in my readers minds.  Keep checking back. I may add more items to this list.


Metaphysics is the broad formal study of the nature of existence.

  • Ontology is a specific metaphysical inquiry into the nature of being.
  • Cosmology is the metaphysical inquiry into the origin, structure, and dynamics of the universe.
    • Heliocentric is a cosmological structure that places the sun at the center of the celestial movement.
    • Geocentric is a cosmological structure that places the earth at the center of celestial movement.
    • God, Archangels, Seraphim, cherubim, angles, God’s Vicar, Cardinals priests, is a cosmological structure.
  • Teleological is the assertion that nature, existence, or reality tend toward a final end or said another way, a final cause is specifically tied to purpose, or nature, meaning and outcome are intertwined.
    • The earth was created in 7 days for God’s pleasure is a teleological assertion.
    • The universe is teaching me something is a teleological assertion.


Deduction: The process of applying generalizations to new instances.   a + b = c

Induction: The process of inferring generalizations from particular instances.   All S = P


Rationalism: The philosophical premise that Reason is valid but the Senses are suspect.

Continental Rationalists: Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Leibniz.

Empiricism: The philosophical premise that the Senses are valid but Reason is suspect.

British Empiricists:  John Locke, Bishop Berkeley, David Hume.

John Immel

He's a generally ornery pot string iconoclast that loves to make people think. He's harmless (well, mostly harmless). And don't forget lovable in an affectionately blunt sort of way. Whatever your first feelings, read and listen long enough and you will come to agree with him.

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