Montgomery County Kissy Face


SGM and MDCo Preachers

sitting in a tree


First comes love.

Then comes marriage.

Then comes carnage that no one disparage.

That would be Montgomery County Maryland, the home of the manifest evil Sovereign Grace Tyrannies; just so there is no confusion.

Keep your pucker on, boys, it suits you! Or is it ignorance that suits you? Well, it has to be self -imposed ignorance because it is impossible that people living in Montgomery County Maryland and the surrounding metroplex do not know of CLC/PDI/SGM. If the church is even a little bit contemporary, I’d lay odds that half of the praise and worship roster was written by someone at Sovereign Grace Tyrannies.

I am talking to you, pastors in the DC Metroplex, and for that matter, all you church “leaders”–any county, any state, any country–where Sovereign Grace Tyrannies are perpetrated and the spiritual carnage limps into your counseling sessions for some serious triage. You KNOW the stories.

So here is the question: where are YOU? Puckering up at the SGM backside?

Noel’s Story… kiss, kiss, kiss

Jim and Carol’s Story… kiss, kiss, kiss

Free Bird’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

Keith’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

musicman’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

Butterfly’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

Julie’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

db’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

Kim’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

Ryan’s…kiss, kiss, kiss

The list goes on, and on, and on. Stories PLURAL that have been shared on …kiss, kiss, kiss

And more stories on … kiss, kiss, kiss.

Despicable account of husbands more interested in the affirmations of men than the love and loyalty and counsel of their wives; single moms browbeaten into “Disciplining” their children absent context or consideration for the child’s mental, emotional, or spiritual struggles.  Children abused and perpetrators shielded in the name of forgiveness.   Whispers of Suicides, people who’ve despaired their interactions to the point of death, covered up and marginalized. People confronted with extraordinary pain and suffering, counseled that seeking help and healing was a function of their sin and selfish deception. Repeated accounts where the pursuit of “sound doctrine” is the primary source of family splits: doctrine is the highest importance and of no consequence depending on pastoral purpose. Submission is equated with personal transparency and Authority is the power to dictate personality. Young men with callings railroaded out the door of the church for the smallest perceived doctrinal failings–all profound alleged tales of absolute Sovereign Grace Tyranny’s pastoral oppression.

“But those stories didn’t happen in Montgomery County Maryland…”

Oh, cut it out.

Pastors are notoriously nosy, rooting around in people’s lives if it suits their purpose. We have entire doctrines that mandate pew-sitter transparency to leadership temerity. And don’t pretend for a minute that the stories recounted on the blogosphere are not identical to the ones you have heard in your tithe purchased offices. You have heard the stories fresh, seen the tears, seen the frustrations spill out over your church offices–presided over families falling apart, and the lives crumbling under the pressure of being outcast for fantastically twisted reasons, despairing of their very sanity in the mistreatment. And the hallmark is that the elements of the story, the methods employed to bully and silence and manipulate remain stunningly consistent no matter how the names change or the details differ.

And here is the reality. I talked to a number of you MCo MD “leaders” almost a decade ago when I distributed copies of Blight in the Vineyard, way back when most people were too terrified to detail their interaction with then PDI and long before the blogosphere gave enough anonymity for many to start saying Sovereign Grace Ministries sucks and no one was selling T-shirts. When I sat in your office and detailed my own story… and then we talked candidly, you told me of your “concerns” for the consistency of the story and the observed the aftermath.

So what can be the reason for the lip-puckering silence? Is it admiration? Do you look with longing at the multi Million Dollar CLC campus on Muncaster Mill Rd and wish that you could do the same? Have you bought into the notion that they really are the standard? They really have mastered the essence of Christianity? Or is it that you preach your own brand of submission and authority and perpetrate some of the same insanity?  You cannot judge because that would indict you?

Here it is. I am baffled by the absence of you preachers that thump the pulpit regularly for Submission and Authority and Covering and Oversight rushing to champion the cause of the abused masses at the hands of Sovereign Grace Ministries. Here is your golden opportunity to show yourself consistent with your very doctrine.

What do you give in return for the submission of the masses to your considered leadership? What? Be specific? Covering from Bad Ideas?  Covering from Demons? Covering from Wolf Religion?

You are frauds. All of you! Every single last one of you who stand in the pulpit and demand submission for this wonderful spiritual fiction called covering. And when the opportunity to actually cover, actually defend the sheep…what do you do? What actions have you taken?

I am going to keep saying it until one and all see the doctrine of submission and authority and spiritual covering for the fraud that it is. Submission is always a church-member specific action meaning that members are obligated to submit their minds and resources to one guy in one location. Authority is always for the express function of dictating the content of truth and mandating action. Covering NEVER has a church leader specific outcome.

“Don’t date the church…” is really euphemism for “I do Christianity better than anyone else and it is infidelity to go down the street and find out if I’m lying.” Therefore, preachers can never be judged.

This is the heart of the submission and authority doctrine: an excuse to justify sectarianism. The lack of action on the part of MDCo Preachers to get in the game and do some qualitative and quantitative “Covering” is evidence of the fraud and part and parcel for the real motivation behind the doctrine.

Dale O’shields, do you preach submission and authority? Your church is practically next door. How could you not know what is happening? How could you not?

Charles  Schmitt, I know you’ve suffered the stories of tyranny discussed on and on occasion here: I know you have tremendous compassion for those who have suffered under the spiritual tyranny of Sovereign Grace Ministers. I know it meant a lot to you to reconcile with Larry Tomczak and Che Ahn. But how much longer will you be silent? Have you ever preached submission to authority and covering? When will it no longer be enough to just extend compassion to those of have suffered? When will you refuse to be silent? You know the methods these men use to destroy a man, and to crush his will. You’ve suffered this process. You read my book and know the details of their ongoing tyranny. You’ve heard the stories over and over and over. How much longer will you be silent?

Dwayne Brewington. I’ve talked to you. What did you tell me? You just don’t understand the issues? How can you be ignorant of the very body of doctrine that calls you a heretic? I know the doctrine of submission and authority and covering comes out of your pulpit. Ignorance is NO EXCUSE for failing to cover, failing to defend! You have a faith vision for an INTERNATIONAL ministry. How can you not avail yourself to the issues affecting Christians in your own backyard? If you are protecting, if you are covering folks, it is your job to understand the issues. Come on Dwayne, get your faith hommies to put their confession on the line. Show the world that faith is good for something more than the late model Bimmer. You’ve got a faith molehill right over on Muncaster Mill. Get in the game, brother–represent!

Greg Zetts.  How long can you let this disaster persist? I’ve talked to you too. I know you live and die by this doctrine of submission and authority and covering. How many times did the EX-CLCers arrive on your doorstep? How many times did you hear details of the carnage pour from people’s lives?! It isn’t enough to wring your hands and say you’ll pray. How many times did you cover them? You call yourself a Pastor of pastors. What does that mean exactly? How many more sermons on the evils of celebrating Christmas does a congregation need to hear before your “leadership team” gets a sense of proportion? How many times did you show up on CJ’s doorstep asking for an account of the mistreatment? Have you ever?

The only reasons I don’t name more names with more websites is because I have forgotten how many men I approached with copies Blight in the Vineyard long ago losing track of the ignored phone calls or the rebuffs.

How many other pastors in Montgomery County Maryland have turned a blind eye, and a deaf ear, and with a straight face preached that it is your unique place in the body to filter true doctrine and protect the sheep? Have you called “Sound Doctrine” central and demanded an explanation? Have you preached with fervor into CJ Mahaney’s ear about your position of covering and demanded to know what is happening over at SGM gives you great concern?

What is the answer? You can’t be bothered? It isn’t your calling? You don’t feel led?

This is why the whole doctrine of covering and submission is an enormous fiction. These are all excuses. You cannot have it both ways. Get to protecting and covering–i.e. get your timid butt in gear and figure out how to stop the madness. There isn’t anything coming out of that stupid prophecy mic that a 12-year-old shouldn’t be able to discern. If your flock can’t tell the good from the bad yet, another sermon on submission and authority ain’t gonna fix it.

It’s time to step up and address an obvious list of abuses coming from a single ministry in your own backyard.

If not, forever let it be said that you don’t cover anybody except your own backside with those puckered lips.

John Immel

He's a generally ornery pot string iconoclast that loves to make people think. He's harmless (well, mostly harmless). And don't forget lovable in an affectionately blunt sort of way. Whatever your first feelings, read and listen long enough and you will come to agree with him.

  • Guy, you crack me up – well, get enough links to that site on JOsh’s blog from this one and they’ll know something is up…they must have hired some internet investigators to keep track of all the blogs, comments, etc in cyberspace in order to do damage control and PR.

    Now just how would you put THAT in your resume?

    Primary responsibility at Sovereign Grace Ministries was providing internet research to assist leadership in controlling gossip, slander, and truth about inside meeTings to be proliferated. Maintained extensive database of all negative or suspect comments made about CJ Mahaney, SGM or other leaders. Responsible for contacting appropriate apostles in various geographic regions to inform local pastors of possible insubordination within their congregations. Also compiled detailed reports on each individual making slanderous comments anywhere on the internet, using real names when possible, or screen names. Comparison of IP addresses and location to location of SGM churches was ongoing…

    can you just see that?? haha

    I know that’s how they “found” me! 🙂

    Good job Craig Cabannis, good job!! Now, back to tending that flock of yours…don’t waste your time on me..

  • sorry, I didn’t change my previously anonymous name of “Concerned” to Juli o my last post…sorry for any confusion – except for you Craig, you knew it was me all along, didn’t you? 🙂

  • Ellie, I think (hope) everyone knows the difference between JULIE and me, JULI. I really don’t spell my name with an “e” – my parents are weird, all four letter names..

    Julie is in Canada, and I’m in Texas – although I wouldn’t mind trading “spaces” with her! 🙂

  • I am so glad this site is meant to be humorous, it borders on being the “Accuser of the Brethren!” It also shows that the wounded, embittered host of this page, has not forgiven those who were once in authority over him/her. Usually issues like this start when he/she was a child and you can bet, father issues.  The funny thing about all of what was written, is that if a pastor is guilty of “Lording” it over the flock, there is really no consequence for his actions to speak of in the bible, unless the leader causes one to sin (being offended is your sin not the pastors or anyone else). But on the other hand, in the word we see serious repercussions on the lives of those who speak against those in authority.  Not funny really, leprosy and those who spread defilement is not funny. To those who applaud the actions in this blog better examine themselves to see of what spirit this page is .  I don’t see one shred of the fruit of the Holy Spirit anywhere. I do see plenty of Galatians 5:19-20 though.  (deeds of the flesh and those who do will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven)
    All that said, the one who wrote this has no prayer life with Jesus, and they are following the voice of a stranger.
    One other fact, the writer has never pastured anyone in his/her life, usually a straggler,  loner, no accountability and no spiritual growth. They have not grown one inch in the Lord, most likely a failed marriage too. Why does one call this page humorous? 

  • HB….I just read your comment today – sorry it took so long for one of us commenters to respond – personally, I was simply too busy laughing reading other posts.

    wow. I’m impressed with all you know about the host of this site – let’s sum up your vast knowledge about not just the host, but us commenters here as well, shall we? Let’s see…

    1) host has not forgiven those who were once in authority over him/her
    2) issues like this start when he/she was a child and you can bet, father issue. (host has been somehow abused or neglected as a child.)
    3) unable to see one shred of the fruit of the Holy Spirit anywhere.
    4) our deeds here are of the flesh and those who do will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven – in other words, we’re all going to hell for our comments here.
    5) the one who wrote this has no prayer life with Jesus, and
    6) they (that would be us commenters) are following the voice of a stranger.
    7) the writer has never pastured anyone in his/her life, usually a straggler,  loner, no accountability and no spiritual growth.
    8) host has have not grown one inch in the Lord, most likely a failed marriage too.

    hmm….I see two possibilities here..

    1) You are God, posting on this blog (given the vast amount of intimate “knowledge” you have on everyone here, including our host) I’m astonished and impressed with the details you’ve managed to “glean” simply from reading this blog. Truly amazing. Truly, er, God-like.


    2) you’re a buffoon, and a perfect illustration of why this site needs to be here.

    I vote for two.

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