I am talking to you pastors, in the DC Metroplex and for that matter all you church “leaders”-any county, any state, any country-where Sovereign Grace Tyrannies are perpetrated and the spiritual carnage limps into your counseling sessions for some serious triage. You KNOW the stories.

So here is the question: where are YOU? Puckering up at the SGM backside?

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The short answer to why does Sovereign Grace Ministries claim Reformed Status is fear.

No… let me amend. The short answer to why does Sovereign Grace Ministries claim Reformed Status is stone cold, stark terror.

What are they afraid of?

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What important things?

Hummm… protecting the prophesy mic and making sure that those who want to preach on my blog are subject to my good pleasure. I am a blog tyrant, and many of you are tyrants in training like Timothy. You need that oversight.

As one dear brother in the faith Larry Tomczak put it: “Faulty foundations are also beginning to give way in the Body of Christ. Christians are discover­ing that one source of the cracks is a lack of recognizing foundational apostolic/ prophetic ministry. Many are realizing today they can’t ignore God’s pat­tern for building his church “…having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20).”

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